DG AutoCheck uses webhooks to compliment its API infrastructure.  

Webhooks are used to send very simple messages to an integrating system to alert that system that something has happened, and to avoid that system having to continually poll DG AutoCheck to look for activity.

A web hook message will contain the event type and the acceptance check ID. The integrator can then use this detail to make an API call to DG AutoCheck to get more details. 


When an acceptance check passes, DG AutoCheck will generate an event that will send a message to the subscriber listener URL.  This message will contain the event type “Acceptance Check Passed” and the “Acceptance Check ID” only.  

The subscriber can the use the Acceptance Check ID to call the get XSDG API method.

How it works

Webhooks let your system get notified when something has happened on DG AutoCheck. 

Webhooks are outbound – DG AutoCheck notifies you when something happens (For example: the completion of an acceptance check).

You need to setup a listener URL on your system, and program that into your DG AutoCheck webhook settings. 

A POST request will be sent to the endpoint URL you’ve specified whenever the selected actions happen within your account.

When you receive a Webhook notification message, you can use the basic information in the webhook message, to call the DG AutoCheck APIs for more detailed information

Webhook message - Example Payload