Bringing digitalization and automation to your dangerous goods handling management, DG AutoCheck will require certain changes to your operational processes.

Basic requirements

To ensure successful implementation and optimal user experience from DG AutoCheck, the following aspects must be addressed:

1. DGD scan quality must be 300 to 400 dpi (minimum). Scan quality is critical to ensure optimal use of DG AutoCheck and minimum of 300-400 dpi is essential. DGDs must be scanned using regular scanner. Do not use cell phone, tablet, or mobile device cameras. Ensure to scan the original DGD. Do not use Xerox copies.

2. DGDs must be compliant. DGDs used must be in accordance with the format and layout specified in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). See examples of DGDs not supported by DG AutoCheck.

3. Multi-page DGDs must be uploaded as a single PDF file. In the PDF file, the DGD pages must come first, followed by other documents (such as AWB), if any. Single-page DGDs may be upload either as PDF or as image file (example: JPEG). 

4. Tablets are recommended to be used for packaging check. Using DG AutoCheck tablet apps will ensure most efficient process for packaging/physical check and deliver best user experience.

5. Google Chrome web browser is recommended to be used for the Documentation check. Other web browsers and supported versions are listed here: 

6. Super Users access rights must be granted only to a limited (small) group of users. It must be noted that Super Users will have Full Admin control of your company’s subscription.

7. Roles must be clearly defined and documented. User roles and areas of responsibility (i.e. who does what, when, and how) must be clearly defined and documented, possibly through your SOP. For example, you should identify 1-2 Super Users who will take care of User and Office management. You may also want to have 1-2 Super Users managing your custom checklists and subscription level settings. There must also be a group of expert DG AutoCheck users who can provide support and guidance to other users.

8. Help desk/Support process must be well defined and documented. New users might need basic support during initial use. The support process must be clearly defined and documented. First level support should be provided by expert users, and they must be available during various operational shifts. Second level support should be provided by Super Users, and unresolved requests should be sent to IATA team.    

More details can be found in the Full DG AutoCheck Implementation Guidelines: