Note: This option is available only to Super Users

This is to assign a scanner email address to the office. If you wish to add a DGD into the library using your scanners's email feature, then you must add its email address here.

You must add a scanner to an office to receive DGD scans sent from the scanner to

For example: when you email a document from your scanner to yourself, the "From" address found in the e-mail message should be entered here.

Due to scanner set up, if the "From" address of the scanner is actually your email address, then you need to enter your email address in this field.

IMPORTANT: The scanner email address must be unique across your subscription i.e. it must not be used in another office.

To add scanner to an office:

1. Select the office

2. Go to Scanner Emails tab and enter the scanner email (i.e. the sender's email address)

3. Click Add Email(s) to complete the operation

Note: If the scanner email address is already used in another office, system will show an error message as follows.