Note: This option is available only to Super Users

You can set up a default email address to be shown when user tries to send acceptance report. The email address can be changed by user.

To set up default email address:

1. Go to Offices.

2. Click on the office you want to edit (e.g. Geneva)

3. Click Send by Email tab

4. Enter the required details

  • Email To: this is to specify the default recipient of the acceptance check report
  • Email Message: this is to specify the default email message
  • Attachments: these are the attachments to be included in the e-mail message
    • Acceptance Check Report: PDF generated after the sign-off
    • DGD: shipper's declaration used for this report
    • Resources: all document you have uploaded in the DGD resources tab
    • XSDG: this is the XSDG message with the DGD data

4. Click Save to complete the operation.

Note: You can enter multiple email addresses separated by a comma or semi-colon

The Default email address will be used in the Send by email at the end of an acceptance check.