The DGD Library is the home page where you can view all the DGDs that have been loaded into your DG AutoCheck account.


From this screen you can manage DGDs and perform the following tasks:

  • Upload a scanned DGD
  • Create a DGD manually
  • Search for a DGD, included completed or archived ones (click on the magnifier on the left hand side of the screen)
  • View DGD acceptance status

Click on the Air Waybill (AWB) number or Reference to open a DGD to validate the OCR read data or to perform the acceptance check.

Subscription, Office and Quick Filters

Refer image below:

1 => Shows your currently active subscription (or company) and office. In below example: currently active company is "IATA" and currently active office is "Geneva"

2 =>  If you have access to multiple offices assigned, they will displayed as a drop-down list.

3 => Quick filters to show only specific DGDs